CES 2019 Press Resources – Chinese
For IMMEDIATE Release. Please download or view the PDF file for the Chinese Version HERE. PRESS RELEASE_TRC_CES_2019_January_8_CN (For the English version and LOGO images CLICK HERE.
For IMMEDIATE Release. Please download or view the PDF file for the Chinese Version HERE. PRESS RELEASE_TRC_CES_2019_January_8_CN (For the English version and LOGO images CLICK HERE.
TRC is transforming the world of commercial robots!
With TRC’s CPR-Platform™, software developers will be able to develop robot apps that will function on CPR compatible robots being manufactured by OEM’s around the world.
TRC is introducing the Commercial Personal Robot™ or CPR™. These robots are designed for business and commercial development using the CPR-Platform. Any CPR robot can download and run robot apps available at the CPR Robot App Store™.
TRC’s global headquarters is located in Silicon Valley, CA USA. We will be opening our Asian headquarters (TRC-China) soon.